Music Video

Hillhar – «Celebrate»

today06/06/2019 10

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The Jerusalem Pride & Tolerance Parade, produced by the Jerusalem Open House will take place on 6 June 2019 under the theme ‘One Community, Many Faces’ and will open - for the first time in history - the Pride events in Israel.

Tel Aviv based band Hillhar, together with the LGBTQ community and ‘Jerusalem Open house’,
presents the official music video of the parade, «Celebrate». The video represents the people – the face – of the LGBTQ community and Israeli society in general – exploring body image and encouraging acceptance and celebration.

Now in its 18th year, The Pride and Tolerance Parade in Jerusalem represents one of the main
events of the liberal and pluralistic public in Israel, and the world. Tens of thousands of people from all sectors of society are expected to participate in the parade in 2019.

Celebrate explores identity, and the video itself presents each and every individual featured exactly as they are, without the use of photoshoot or filters. The participants are not actors or models, nor are they styled or made up in any particular way, but are ‘real people’ – a collection of friends, acquaintances, and also those who simply wanted to take part to help spread the message. The use of stickers represents the stigmas, titles, and labels that are attributed to each of us, turning them into an ornament. Celebrate encourages a celebration of the many facets of the LGBTQ community – without being ashamed of who we are.

Eran Globus, Chairman of the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance says: «’Celebrate’ is our answer to exclusion and shame. In the official video we call the public to celebrate diversity, the different, and the other. We at the Open House are very happy to co-operate with Hillhar and offer a different Israel – loving, tolerant and proud»

«We invite everyone to strive for equality for all, out of openness, tolerance, and acceptance of the different. Instead of trying to hide or fight diversity just celebrate it, together. We believe that everyone has an equal right to express their uniqueness and the freedom to fulfil themselves. We are excited to be part of the Jerusalem Pride Parade and are very happy to express our values – in the video and in the parade». – Hillhar

Hillhar was born out of a musical belief that saw music as a tool to bring people together. They seek to use music to awaken consciousness, create inspiration for all who listen, and bring a message of change.

The group formed through underground performances, before a devoted and closely-knit
audience that grew larger, one performance at a time. The members are: Louharya (vocals and
keyboard), Assaf Twina (keyboard, vocals, guitars, computer and Ableton), and Dar Bachar
(vocals & guitars).

With the help of their musical creations, the members of the band create a collection of different musical styles and influences that merge electronic and technological instruments with real time acoustic instruments. The band credits its inspiration to different musical styles – from a powerful rock guitar all the way to electrifying analogue synths. At times the motivating force is an electric rave drum machine or percussions that resemble a dusky jazz club – but more than anything else, the outer space, dream-like atmosphere is hard to miss.

Hillhar – «Celebrate»

You can vote on Hillhar’s «Celebrate» this week on the LGBTQ Music Chart. They was added as a newcomer last Sunday on the LGBTQ Music Chart.

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
