Music Video

Raph Solo – «Jasmine Petals»

today12/08/2019 10

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Raph Solo

London-based singer/songwriter Raph Solo is serving a large scoop of «LIFE» this summer, his new album of retrospective ballads that he hopes will take listeners on a trip down memory lane.

Recorded in London, the album features a mix of past hits including «Rich in My Heart» and brand-new songs including «Jasmine Petals», the album’s first single and are available now on Apple Music, Spotify and all digital retailers.

«’Jasmine Petals’ is the perfect song to launch the album because it is about reflecting on what was, what is and deciding on what we want to be and what we need to let go of», explains Raph Solo to LGBTQ Music Chart.

The contemporary classic pop song comprises of lush piano and strings over a haunting aggressive RnB groove. In it, Raph likens relationships to Jasmine flower buds falling off a tree and landing on the ground. «Trees release their buds after the loveliness decays and that’s when real growth to the tree occurs. Such should be the case with people and love».

«We live and love and it’s ok to lose sometime», he continues. «What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger».

Born to Lebanese/Chilean parents on the Gulf of Guinea in Nigeria, West Africa, Raph Solo knows about loving and losing. Before meeting his partner, he experienced seven major break ups in nine years. Many of his most popular songs reflect on his personal journey of finding love.

«LIFE» is his fifth studio album release. It follows FINALLY, AM I TOO MUCH?, THE ANONYMOUS ICON (featuring the singles «Star» and «Good Morning London») and WORD OF LOVE (featuring «Love Lives»).

«With this one, I hope to inspire listeners to celebrate themselves and their lives. We are each given one life; one story. Write it. If you didn’t like something that happened yesterday, try your best to not repeat it tomorrow».

Visuals and symbolism are a key element to Raph’s creative work, especially in his films. The «Jasmine Petals» music video was filmed in a cemetery and in a French period mansion in North London.

In one scene, Raph is seen playing a violin, blindfolded. It is his way of questioning whether we really see what is happening in our lives or if we simply go through life blinded.

In another scene, Raph is seen taking a bite out of «LIFE» with the letters IF left on his plate. The letters are meant to symbolise opportunity. If he takes the chance and continues to eat the f from life, he’ll be left with «I». Through letting go of the other letters, he has discovered himself.

Then there’s the gun. It’s a particularly powerful statement that Raph makes. A gun can end life. Choose to put the gun down and you choose life. Raph is saying that regardless of circumstance, the decision between life and death is ultimately our own.

Raph Solo is proud to live his life authentically as a gay man and artist. His hope is that everyone takes the time to appreciate our limited time on earth. «Pour a glass of wine and toast every breath you’ve made and have left», he advises.

Raph Solo’s «LIFE» and «Jasmine Petals» are being released globally through Angel King Musique and are available on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon as well all other online retail outlets.

Raph Solo // «Jasmine Petals»

Raph Solo and his «Jasmine Petals» entered the LGBTQ Music Chart this week, want to keep «Jasmine Petals» you need to vote here.

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
