
My «2nd Time Around» with Kristian Kaspersen

today20/05/2022 32

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Kristian Kaspersen

The album «2nd Time Around» is a journey through space and time transporting us from the decadence in Berlin to exotic tropical islands with the bright light on the horizon as our guide

With successful singles such as «One Little Thing» and «Stay» in his hit library, the time has arrived for Kristian Kaspersen´s second full length album «2nd time around». The setting for several of the tracks is the pulsating city nightlife with beer drenched dancefloors and after parties one regrets attending.

Yet we also find space for a somewhat more hopeful theme such as in the title track «2nd time around» telling the story of being brave enough to give someone special that lingers in your mind a second chance.

«Several of my latest releases have mirrored the theme of the bittersweet limbo of falling in love. About dancing even though you’re brokenhearted and have to sweep up the pieces to then move on». The artist explains that «for this album I wanted to highlight the insight of the moment where you truly feel ‘come what may’».

Kaspersen describes the title theme «2nd time around» as a pop hit with tropical house vibes, perfect for the summertime, that in the best of worlds encourages the listener to pick up the phone and call that special someone that you can’t get out of your mind. The album in its entirety is easiest described as electro pop, yet the song «Into the Dark» is arranged in an acoustic setting and «Teardrops on the Dance Floor» has a darker and more alluring production inspired by underground synth pop.

A selection of talented producers have been involved in the album, among them Billboard hit producer Emil «SoundFactory» Hellman and Peter Hägerås who also produced Kaspersen´s hit single «Love Like I´ve Never Been Hurt» ( Number #1 on LGBTQ Music Chart in Week 32 2021 ) that has been frequently played on the radio both in Sweden and internationally.

I took a listen to Kristian Kaspersen’s new album «2nd time around», and it includes my personal favourite «Love Like I´ve Never Been Hurt» – that was the song that charmed it’s way into my music heart – since then I can’t resist his Swedish charm! Can you ?? «2nd time around» album is like wild strawberries on a straw each of the song has it’s own character – so take a listen below, up and dance and let’s start the weekend with a big musical explosion.

ephram st. cloud

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
