
«Don’t Tell Me» it’s Bobby Blue !

today18/08/2022 4

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Bobby Blue

Pumping Norteño bass scored Bobby Blues’ childhood soundtrack in the small motor town of Bedford, Indiana.

An energetic culture-clash forged his home, his factory-worker father, a good ole’ boy came from the Indiana backwoods and Bobbys mother came from a ranch in the central valley of Costa Rica. She encouraged his spirit, music, and imagination. Once, they were colouring and he didn’t have a green crayon for the trees. «The trees can be any colour you want», she told him. That’s been his philosophy ever since.

Growing older, Bobby Blues’ imagination and independence could make for a hard time. A teacher once threatened to beat out his sissiness out with his fists, but music kept him going. From age four he always had the lead solo parts in choirs, and from ten years old he started composing songs for recitals. He prayed for Madonna to rescue him. She never showed so he got the hell out of Bedford.

Once Bobby Blue moved to NYC he immediately started performing at open mics, independent art galleries and late night underground circuses. His charming stage presence and big voice made him known as a powerful performer. Audiences respond with deafening applause, but his countertenor 4 octave voice threw off music industry professionals. Bobby was deemed «not All American / too gay» and that his voice was freakish. Fortunately the stage kept calling and he kept writing.

Take a listen below !

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
