Outed On Friday

«Outed On Friday!» – Week 47 – 2023

today24/11/2023 37

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Outed On Friday!

It's finally the end of a productive work week, and that means it's time for some exciting new music releases! Get ready for this week's fantastic edition of «Outed On Friday!».

5 exciting new songs are all set to take on the 50 incredible songs on the LGBTQ Music Chart starting from Monday. These songs are the challengers for next week’s chart and we can’t wait to see which ones will make it to the top! You have the power to vote for your favourites starting from Monday – head over to the voting page and let your voice be heard!

Keep in mind that voting always begins on Mondays, and the exciting LGBTQ Music Chart will now be unveiled on the LGBTQ Music Chart radio show on 107 Meridian FM every Saturday at  5PM GMT ( // 18.00 CET // 19.00 EEST // 02.00 AM Sydney Sunday // 04.00 AM Auckland  Sunday// 12.00 AM New York and Toronto). After the show airs, you can always find the complete chart published on this website. The song(s) you voted for last week will be the highlight of this week’s radio show.

(You’ll get to listen to these awesome songs on the LGBTQ Music Chart Radio show next Saturday!)

PJ Taylor – «No Time (Part II)»

LGBTQ, autistic singer songwriter and performer PJ Taylor is once again basking in the glow of achieving even more success on the music charts!

Willy Hobal – «Willy From The Block»

The vivacious Latin dancer moves with a passion and zeal that is unmatched, radiating an infectious and lively energy that is reminiscent of the vibrant and colourful Caribbean culture.

cultofciaran  – «Believe»

cultofciaran is all about finding joy in the midst of your struggles and using music from the Pop and EDM genres to do so. Join us in celebrating the power of dancing as a form of release and self-expression, no matter what challenges you may be facing.

Rites of Hadda – «Queer Fool»

The group of musicians is based in the region of North/East London and proudly describes themselves as a band that embodies the queer-fronted, anarcho pagan, gothic, psychedelic, and witchpunk styles.

The Berry Lane – «Someone (Touch Me)»

LGBTQ Music Chart artist Jeff Kristian’s 1980s band The Berry Lane has re-recorded one of their original songs 40 years after it was first released.

Hey there! Our playlist gets a fresh update every Friday with new and exciting music, so keep an eye out for that. Please note that the artists mentioned above may not be featured on the playlist due to this update. To stay up to date with the latest and greatest tunes, make sure to follow us on Spotify or Apple Music. We only add songs that have been released on Amazone Music, Apple Music, YouTube and Spotify to our LGBTQ Music Chart. Thanks for being a part of our community!

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
