
Sean Smith – «Swing For The 90’s»

today15/03/2021 55

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Sean Smith

Sean Smith was once known by most for his squeaky clean, bubble gum pop image in X Factor sibling duo Same Difference but those days are long gone

«You’re All That Matters To Me» is available now as an instant download on iTunes & available to stream on Apple Music.

«You’re All That Matters to Me» is a song originally by American singer-songwriter Curtis Stigers. The original peaked at number 6 on the UK charts in 1992

The track is taken from Sean’s upcoming album «Swing for the 90’s» which is out through SP Music on the 16th April 2021.

The album features ten tracks from the 1990’s reimagined into swing numbers. The album was produced by Ben Whyntie over lockdown with all the musicians recording their parts separately.

Sean said «Considering that everything was produced separately for Covid-19 it has a feel that we were all in the groove together».

Sean Smith takes you right back to 90’s with «You’re All That Matters To Me», so take a listen on Apple Music to get the 90’s feeling.

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
