Voting FAQ

Background purple centred LGBTQ Music Chart logo and Meridian FM logo

These things will solve 99.95% of all voting issues, 0.05 % is out of our control – that means we can’t help you.

Problems to vote ? Check these settings for your browser/computer.

  • Don’t use a browser that has ad blocker functionality activated.
  • Don’t use VPN
  • Accept all cookies

Still an issue after made sure you don’t have ad blocker functionality activated, you are not using VPN and have accepted all cookies.

  • Clear all cache for your web browser. Clear all cookies and other site data and clear cached images and files. Quit the browser and re launch the browser.
  • If you got virus on your device, you will experiencing issue with voting and that is out of our control.
  • If your browser and OS are out of date, you will experiencing issue with voting and that is out of our control.
  • Test another browser. Test another device.
  • You can’t vote if it’s under 60 minutes since your last vote with that IP address.