
From Texas to #1 on LGBTQ Music Chart

today22/07/2020 8

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Let me introduce you to this weeks #1 on LGBTQ Music Chart, his name is Jxckson and he is asking «Ready for Love?».

Hailing from Austin, Texas, USA, Jxckson is an independent pop artist that uses his melodies and lyrics to tell a story. His music features infectious melodies, genre-bending experimentation and relatable lyrics.

Jxckson took a big step forward in November 2019 he release his debut single «Icarus» – where he played across genre lines. Listen to the song that introduced us all to his world of music.

He is a proud member of the LGTBQ+ community, Jxckson doesn’t shy away from being his authentic self in his lyrics. His second single «Keep Watching» showed a darker side to his artistry. Paired with sultry lyrics, this cat and mouse song gave fans an intimate experience. At the moment «Keep Watching» highest position are #10 on the LGBT Music Chart and this week the song took #23 spot.

Now he is back with his third single «Ready for Love?», Jxckson explores the familiar feelings of wanting to take a relationship to the next level and falling in love. Backed by a chill, Latin-inspired guitar instrumental «Ready for Love?» is perfect for bringing in the Summer vibes.

«Ready for Love?» climbed to #1 on the LGBTQ Music Chart for Week 30 – 2020 – if you want to keep it there – you need to vote here.

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
