
New Gay Music «Outed On Friday!» – Week 34 – 2022

today27/08/2022 20

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Outed On Friday!

It’s the end of a work week and that means, new music are released – so here is this week’s «Outed On Friday!».

5 new songs are ready to challenge the 50 songs on the LGBTQ Music Chart from Monday. For the challengers for next week chart. You can vote on these songs from Monday – here is the voting page.

Don’t forget to listen to LGBTQ Music Chart radio show on 107 Meridian FM on Saturdays at 5PM (18.00 CET).

Rebecka Haak – «Proud»

Official pride anthem for Swedish town Trollhättan also known as Trollywood because lot of Swedish and Scandinavian films are made there. Rebecka is a singer, songwriter and artist from the small Swedish city, but well known city Trollhättan.

Electrosexual – «Lèvres Roses(feat. Nicky Miller)»

Electrosexual is the creation of Romain Frequency — the french, Berlin-based music producer and DJ.

Molla Roi – «High Beams»

Lesbian+nonbinary artist/producer/writer/singer. Diverse vocal range and hypnotic melodies

Jaime Travezán – «Wash & Wear»

A photographer who lately spends more time doing music than taking photographs.

Justin Strauss – «Dream Machine»

Makes pop/electronic music with catchy melodies, and a lot of his songs are based on true stories.

This playlist are updated every Friday with new music – so it might not reflect the artists mention above. Like it, so you don’t miss out on brand new music! Only songs that is released on YouTube and Spotify can be added to the LGBTQ Music Chart.

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
