
Tom Goss’s Liberating Journey: «Not My Problem» with Real-Life Ex

today07/04/2024 180

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Tom Goss - Not My Problem - Meatball - Dean Elex Bais

Learn about Tom Goss's personal journey of resilience and growth as a singer-songwriter, and how he turned his experiences into powerful music. Find out more about his upcoming concerts and where to listen to «Not My Problem» on Spotify and other digital platforms.

A Liberated Tom Goss Says «Not My Problem» to Real-Life Ex in His New Single

Tom Goss, the talented singer-songwriter, is making a bold statement with his latest single, «Not My Problem». This pop/rock banger is the second single from his ninth studio album, «Remember What It Feels Like». The song is based on Tom’s personal experience in a five-year relationship with an impressive Englishman who turned out to be quite different from who he appeared to be.

In a candid interview, Goss explains that he fell in love with a charming but criminal con man who is now in prison. He shares the painful experience of being gaslighted and manipulated into believing that it was his responsibility to help heal a man that he loved. However, when the lies were finally exposed, Goss realised that the majority of his ex-partner’s problems were fabricated to control and take advantage of him.

A «Dear John» Letter to His Ex

Goss views the song and its accompanying video as a «Dear John» letter to his ex, finally giving him the liberation and last word he has longed for. Directed and styled by Michael Serrato, who Goss has worked with on previous videos, the video was filmed on a prison set in Los Angeles and in Goss’s own Sounds Awesome Studios in Inglewood.

The video stars Goss himself, along with Dean Elex Bais as the lying ex and drag queen Meatball as an overly amorous prison guard. While the video has a campy and comical tone, its message is a serious one. It serves as a declaration that Goss’s ex and his lies did not and will not break him. Goss emphasizes his resilience and strength, stating that he will continue to believe in people and be a positive force in the world.

One of the most striking scenes in the video is when Tom stands in front of a mirror, looking directly at his reflection. This moment represents self-reflection and acceptance, as Tom confronts the pain he endured and acknowledges that he deserves better. The mirror also serves as a metaphor for self-discovery and growth, highlighting Tom’s journey towards self-love and self-empowerment.

A Journey of Resilience and Growth

Tom Goss has been making music for over 15 years, creating a diverse body of work that reflects his personal growth and experiences. With nine albums, five EPs, and 40 music videos to his name, Goss has established himself as a seasoned artist. His songs have been featured on major networks like ABC, HBO, and Disney, and his music videos have garnered over 20 million views.

Goss’s latest studio album, «Remember What It Feels Like», is a reflection of his journey thus far. The album consists of 15 tracks, ranging from happy and light-hearted pop songs to beautiful ballads and raucous rock anthems. Collaborating with artists such as comedian and musician Deven Green, hip hop diva Maya La Maya, and longtime collaborator De Roche, Goss has crafted a collection that showcases his versatility and artistry.

«Not My Problem» stands out as a slightly angstier track on the album. It acknowledges the heartache and pain Goss experienced upon discovering the truth about his ex-partner’s fabricated life. However, in true Tom Goss style, the song also finds a silver lining in the experience. Goss shares that if there’s one positive thing he learned from his ex, it’s that reality is whatever you construct it to be. He encourages listeners to dream big, take chances, and risk it all, while also emphasising the importance of not hurting others in the process.

Goss’s story is one of resilience and strength. From his troubled teenage years and college wrestling days to his journey as a gay singer-songwriter, his music has served as a platform for expressing his personal triumphs and challenges. Through his songs, Goss has been able to transform his life experiences into powerful and relatable narratives.

As Goss continues to promote his new single and album, he is also preparing for upcoming concerts in San Francisco, Seattle, Palm Springs, and other cities to be announced. With his unwavering spirit and captivating music, Tom Goss is set to leave a lasting impact on the music industry and the hearts of his listeners.

«Not My Problem» will be available on Spotify, Apple Music and all digital platforms starting April 8th.

Written by: Jungle Telegraph
