
Tom Goss Takes Us To «Amsterdam»

today08/10/2020 31

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Tom Goss

Tom Goss invites listeners into his bathtub in «Amsterdam», the fifth single from his «Territories» album.

He wrote the song four years ago while in Holland, when he had a transformative sexual experience that still reverberates to this day. «It started in the shower», he recalls. «We were kissing and holding each other tightly, with water pouring down over us. I had this overwhelming feeling of peace and acceptance of who I am, like I was being baptised in a whole new way». It was a powerful moment for the young man, raised Catholic, who had even attended seminary to become a priest. «Never in my life has a moment felt more spiritual, pure and overwhelmingly good». The biggest lesson he learned from the experience was that when something is giving life, do not fight it.

If I were to describe «Amsterdam», «I’d call it lazy liquid pop», Goss continues from his Los Angeles home.  He says that when producing the demo for the song, he spent long hours thinking about the concept of rain.  «If rain was an instrument, what would it sound like? I eventually landed on the weird delayed organ and swelling electric guitars featured in the song». Producer Ian Carmichael added the washy snares, and Nakia and Liz DeRoche added soft vocal waves to the track.

For the music video, Tom went in search for a special actor that dripped passion and sex.  He and the video’s director, Michael Serrato, found just the right man in George Epremian, an actor Tom discovered on the dating app, Growlr.  It is the second time Tom has casted from the app.  He found Rohan McCooty, the lead actor from his «Berlin» video on Growlr, as well.

«Growlr has been a wonderful way to connect with the bear community all over the world»,he says to LGBTQ Music Chart. «We received a number of responses expressing interest, but George and his look seemed perfect for the role. Additionally, he had acting experience, so that made us feel comfortable casting him before we even met in person».

«Amsterdam» was slated to release in March 2020 but was pushed back due to COVID-19. «It didn’t seem like the right time», Tom explains to me.

Instead, Tom Goss released the single, «Dancing in My Room» and its three quarantine-inspired music videos that featured Max Emerson and eleven artists singing in multiple languages. Then, in early August, he released «Nerdy Bear», a comedic track that offered a distraction from today’s gloomy reality.

«Fall feels like an appropriate season for a song like ‘Amsterdam,», he adds. «I’m excited for fans to take this journey with me».

Tom Goss’s «Amsterdam» are one of the challengers to LGBTQ Music Chart this week, you can vote here.

Written by: Ephram St. Cloud
