LGBTQ Music Awards

LGBTQ Music Awards 2021 – who is the winner ?

today31/12/2022 4

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LGBTQ Music Awards

Who is the winner of the LGBTQ Music Awards 2021 ? are you excited to know who the winner is ?

«Song of the year» 2021 has been decided by voting and it’s the Swedish pop star Kristian Kaspersen with the hit song «Love Like I’ve Never Been Hurt». Congratulation !

Number two are MKSM and Jaako‘s hit song, «2021».

Number three goes to artist, that are well known on the LGBTQ Music Chart, PJ Taylor and his hit song «Broken Melodies».

Thank for everyone that voted on the LGBTQ Music Awards 2021!

LGBTQ Music Awards 2022, are planned to be held during Pride Month 2023, so keep your eyes open!


Written by: News Room
