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Billy Mick Kicks Off The New Year With A New Release, «The Greatest Discovery»

today10/01/2023 16

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Billy Mick 2022

Central Florida gay singer/songwriter has found what he was searching for in his latest rock track.

Billy Mick, the chart-topping Orlando showman, is starting off 2023 with the delivery of his newest song, «The Greatest Discovery», from his upcoming third to-be-named album. Billy describes the song’s narrative as the wonderfully manic journey we take to find our true selves. «The Greatest Discovery» will be released on all music streaming platforms 27th January, 2023.

«When I first considered a singing career in the ‘90s, I spent a lot of energy and time trying to figure out where I fit into the music industry. Searching for an answer kept me from pursuing that path», recalls Billy. «It wasn’t until my husband and I went to Manchester Pride in 2016 and watched the variety of amazing performances on their stages that I realised I absolutely have a place in the music industry. And this discovery propelled me immediately into my singing and songwriting. With two albums released and a third on its way, I could not be more grateful for where I am today and for all of the beautiful humans supporting me in my endeavours».

Billy Mick promotes positivity, self-expression, and love in his music and everyday life. Having received amazing support from LGBTQ+ media, including Watermark Online, Gaydio, The Q Review and The LGBTQ Music Chart Radio show on Meridian FM, Billy continues to develop himself as an artist and performer. He is the Producer/Director of his own variety show highlighting local LGBTQ+ and ally entertainers from across Central Florida. Billy was extremely honoured to perform at the 2022 St. Petersburg and Orlando Pride events – a dream of his since he first experienced Manchester Pride. Most recently, his song «Leveling Up» was featured in the 2022 holiday movie, «A Christmas Karen» where Billy also made a cameo appearance.

Billy Mick’s first album, «Just B», was released in summer of 2020. His love of life and personal experiences fill the album with songs that are relatable, relevant, and inspirational, including his Pride anthem «Flesh and Bone». Billy’s second album «Leveling Up», released early last year, is full of 80s synth pop and rock vibes encouraging people to embrace life and be the beautiful humans they are.

Billy Mick is currently completing his third album to be released later this year while developing new video and show concepts. When he’s not in the recording studio or on stage, Billy enjoys time with his husband who he has been with for over 20 years and their two rescue dogs, Bucky and Capone.

Written by: News Room
