Pride Music

«I’m Loving MySelf», essential to survive for queer people

today24/05/2023 38

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With support from the German Pride Association (CSD Deutschland e.V.), MKSM is releasing the first track from his third EP just in time for Pride Season 2023.

Am I beautiful enough? Am I good enough?  Am I enough? These are likely questions that everyone has asked themselves at some point. The topic of «loving myself» is finding oneself. MKSM attempted many things to fit in as a gay late-resettler who was born in Russia, raised in the Ukraine, and stutters a lot. In the end, he realised: «I Could Spend More Time On Loving Myself!».

MKSM enquired of his predominantly LGBTQ Instagram followers and concertgoers what self-love meant to them. Here are a few examples of the responses:

«It’s only since I came out at the age of 40 that I’ve felt at peace with myself!»
«I’ve learned to assert myself and be proud of what I can do and who I am».
«It took me a long time to come to terms with my stutter».
«I’m on my way to loving myself with the help of therapy».
«It’s a difficult subject for me – I don’t hate myself, but I just tolerate myself».

The activist, violinist, singer, and songwriter uses his voice to convince others that the seemingly difficult path to self-acceptance and self-love is worthwhile. Everyone should be aware that it takes time to feel this way, though it doesn’t have to be right away: «It Takes Some Time To Feel This Way, It Doesn’t Have To Be Today!»

The upbeat pop tune is filled with complementary opposites: an MKSM-recorded string arrangement meets an 808 bass, and delicate vocals contrast with hard-hitting drums.

The artist received assistance for this from the string players of Germany’s oldest LGBTIQ* orchestra, Concentus Alius.

Several well-known German activists, including actor, author, and TV host Jochen Schropp, TV host and journalist Sabrina N’Diaye, actor and diversity campaigner Brix Schaumburg, and presenter and queer activist Sabine «Bine» Krutschinna, express their individual paths to self-love in the music video. They are the four main characters in the video, in addition to MKSM.

Statement from German Pride Association / Doreen Hoffmann:

For queer people, self love is vital. Only those who accept themselves and treat themselves with respect and love have the necessary strength to stand to the all too-often hostile environment in which LGBTQ people still find themselves, and to stand up for themselves, for the community, and for love and to have the courage to fight for all of that.

MKSM is part of our community and part of the pride movement. In 2023 he will appear at numerous prides throughout Germany to give a face to the topic of self love and queer life.

In our anniversary year we want to support MKSM and his Self Love anthem! At the same time, we also want to show that Germany has many great queer artists who are important for diversity in pop music, but also for the LSBTIQ* movement. For pride month, the CSD Deutschland e.V. is therefore releasing a Pride playlist on all common streaming platforms -curated by MKSM, which will be constantly kept current by a wide variety of queer acts.

LGBTQ Music Chart – Pride playlist

MKSM-Tour 2023
MKSM-Tour 2023

Written by: News Room
